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Community Canopy

Tree Corps Logo with green and blue leave and link to tree-corps.orgEveryone in Bloomington-Normal deserves to enjoy the benefits of trees in their neighborhood. With data from the US Environmental Protection Agency, we have identified West Bloomington and North Normal as high priority areas for planting trees.

With additional funding, we have expanded the West Bloomington Free Tree program to Community Canopy—Free native sapling trees to residents of BloNo’s Environmental Justice areas!  Complete a tree request form today!


Map of Bloomington-Normal Environmental Justice Areas.


  Free Tree Request Form

Advantages of Tree-FULL Neighborhoods

Climate Resilience – Trees Sequester carbon, prevent topsoil and riverbank erosion, and reduce the impacts of flooding.

Health – Proximity to green spaces is linked to better respiratory health, decreased stress levels, and increased physical activity.

Reduces Summer Temperatures – Neighborhoods with tree canopy coverage can be 7 degrees cooler than areas without. This reduces impacts of extreme heat events and cuts down on electricity bills.

Air Quality – Trees clean the air that we breathe by absorbing pollutants, intercepting particulate matter, and storing carbon dioxide.

Here’s how we’re making it easy:

No Cost Barrier

5 year old sapling trees can be $100-150. We’re covering this cost!

Informed Decision

We initiate a utility check and work with you to find the perfect location and species for your home.

High Quality Species

All of our trees are native and high value in our area including oaks, flowering trees, and fruit trees.

Done Right

We bring tools, your tree, and expertise! We’ll help you plant and provide support.

Free Tree Request Form

Still have questions?
Feel free to contact Tree Coordinator Tess Wallace at 309-454-3169 x18 [email protected]