HHW Update

Help EAC bring a permanent Household Hazardous Waste collection facility to McLean County!

Ecology Action Center recently completed a year-long feasibility study to determine the costs associated with building and operating a local facility to take household hazardous waste materials from residents on a regular basis.  This study was conducted as one of the top priorities of the 20-Year Materials Recovery Management Plan for McLean County, Bloomington, and Normal, Illinois, which was approved by local governments in 2017. This study is a key step towards a possible permanent facility to accept Household Hazardous Waste materials from central Illinois residents for safe disposal on a regular basis, greatly improving access in order to better safeguard groundwater and surface water supplies in our community.

We now need to demonstrate there is support from local residents as we work to build a public-private partnership to bring this to reality.

Your tax-deductible donation will help pay for design costs, property acquisition, permitting, construction, and other related costs.