Normal Recycling 60-Day Trial

To increase recycling, the Town of Normal is offering a 60-day free trial program, allowing residents to experience the ease and convenience of recycling through a single stream weekly service. Available to residents in single family and duplex homes ONLY Single stream = no sorting! 60-day period does not start…

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Ecology Action Center to hold Rain Barrel Workshops

The Ecology Action Center is excited to announce additional dates for the ever-popular hands-on workshop where individuals build their own water saving rainwater collection and storage container.  Commercially available rainwater collection and storage systems range in price from $80-$200 but the Ecology Action Center is offering this workshop at a…

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2nd Annual Illinois Bike Summit Registration Now Open!

The 2nd Annual Illinois Bike Summit agenda and registration are now available online! This year’s program includes a high-level overview of state bicycle planning policy by the Deputy Director of IDOT and a keynote presentation by the dynamic Steve Buchtel of Trails for Illinois. We’ll also have various “Coffee Talk”…

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