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2014 McLean County Waste Generation and Recycling Survey

As the solid waste agency for Bloomington, Normal, and McLean County, the Ecology Action Center is required to annually calculate the community wide recycling rate and waste generation rate for the McLean County area. This is done in accordance with the McLean County Integrated Solid Waste Management Plan; the aggregated information collected will be used to help guide ongoing waste management planning efforts for Bloomington-Normal and the McLean County area.

The EAC requests cooperation from area waste haulers, recyclers, municipalities, and institutions in providing the necessary waste and recycling data using the 2014 waste and recycling survey form and submitting it to [email protected] by February 27, 2015.  The information submitted will be confidential and used by the Ecology Action Center for the sole purpose of calculating the county waste generation and recycling rates. We need to provide an accurate accounting of the waste generated in McLean County, so we ask for the names of recycling or waste services providers (where applicable), so that we do not duplicate information.

The enclosed survey covers municipal solid waste only, so information on materials such as special waste, hazardous waste and other wastes should not be included. There are separate sections for waste landfilled, waste recycled and other waste diversion.  Please contact Michael Brown at (309) 454-3169 x.11 with any questions.

2014 McLean County Waste and Recycling Survey Form (pdf)