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Sugar Creek Stewards Workday: FULL

Come join us for our February workday along Sugar Creek! We need help improving Sugar Creek in designated areas throughout Bloomington and Normal, by clearing invasive plant species and managing the non-invasive plants. Volunteers must be 18 years old or older (or 14 and accompanied by a parent or guardian)...

2025 Home, Lawn and Garden Day

Central Catholic High School 1201 Airport Road, Bloomington, IL, United States

Make your garden thrive with educational workshops, inspiring speakers, and horticulture treasures from exceptional businesses and organizations at the 23rd Annual Home, Lawn, and Garden Day, sponsored by University of Illinois Extension McLean County Master Gardeners. This exciting event will take place from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday,...


Save Our Native Bumblebees!: Why You Should Care and What You Can Do

805 S Cottage Ave Normal IL 805 S Cottage Ave, Normal

The non-native (and arguably, invasive) European Honeybee (Apis mellifera) gets a lot of attention because the species is reared here in North America for the purpose of pollinating crops and for the production of honey. Although native bumblebees are an integral component of our local ecosystems and are, also, important...

Bloomington-Normal Community Land Trust Annual Membership Meeting

Bloomington Public Library Community Room 205 E Olive Street, Bloomington, IL, United States

Free and open to the public, Bloomington-Normal Community Land Trust (BNCLT) will host its first annual membership meeting at the Bloomington Public Library on March 18, 2025 from 7 to 8:30 PM. BNCLT will nominate and elect its first formal board of directors, provide a brief presentation to the community...


Watershed Stewards

University of Illinois Extension - 1615 Commerce Drive 1615 Commerce Drive, Bloomington, IL, United States

This spring, University of Illinois Extension is launching the Master Watershed Stewards Program to be hosted in McLean County. The Illinois-Indiana Master Watershed Steward Program is an 8-week journey designed to empower community members as a guardian of our precious natural ecosystems. Through engaging, science-based education by local experts and...


Bring it Back to Normal mCLEAN Up Day at the ISU Farm: April 5, 2024 (10-3:00pm)

ISU Farm 25578 ISU Farm Lane, Lexington, United States

The Bring it Back to Normal mCLEAN Up Day volunteers are a group dedicated to helping keep our community clean of trash. Volunteers will use provided trash grabbers, gloves, and trash bags to remove litter from the Illinois State University (ISU) Farm. The ISU Farm is where all Town of...

Pruning Oaks and Other Native Trees

805 S Cottage Ave Normal IL 805 S Cottage Ave, Normal

Join Guy Sternberg on April 14 at 7pm to learn about oak trees! Did you know that most young trees need a little help to become the best that they can be. Oaks have special characteristics that, if addressed at a young age, can be molded into the venerable form...

3rd Annual Rivian 5k to Support EAC and Friends of the Trail

Heartland Community College 1500 W. Raab Road, Normal, IL, United States

Rivian is excited to host the third annual 5k at Heartland Community College to benefit the Ecology Action Center and Friends of the Constitution Trail. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​At Rivian, Forever Starts Now.  And while the products are designed to promote adventure forever, Rivian is dedicated to making a difference in the communities where...

The Dirt on Composting at El Paso District Library

El Paso District Library 149 W 1st Street, El Paso, United States

Want to learn more about how food waste impacts our environment and what you can do to help? Join "The Dirt on Composting" presentation at El Paso District Library in El Paso, IL on May 5, 2025 at 6:00 p.m. to learn more and help celebrate International Compost Awareness Week! This...

Squirm and Learn: A Kids Guide To Vermicomposting

Carlock Library 202 E Washington, Carlock, IL

Squirm and learn: a kids guide to vermicomposting is hosted by the Ecology Action Center and the Carlock Public Library as part of International Compost Awareness Week. Bring children grades 2nd and up to the Carlock Public Library on Tuesday May 6, 2025 at 5:30pm to learn about vermicomposting! Students...

Composting Basics at Gridley Public Library

Gridley Public Library 320 North Center Street, Gridley, United States

Want to learn more about how food waste impacts our environment and what you can do to help? Join the Composting Basics presentation at Gridley Public Library in Gridley, IL on May 7, 2025 at 6:00 p.m. to learn more and help celebrate International Compost Awareness Week! This presentation will be...

Unique Adaptations in Prairie Plants

805 S Cottage Ave Normal IL 805 S Cottage Ave, Normal

The tallgrass prairie ecosystem is one of the rarest ecosystems in the world. It’s home to plants uniquely adapted to their soil microorganisms, precipitation, pollinators, and light conditions. On May 12 at 7pm Sydney Metternich will talk about how prairie plant species are adapted to their soil microbial communities and...

Illinois Prairie Wild Ones Native Plant Sale

White Oak Township Community Building (202 Lincoln St. N., Carlock, IL) 202 Lincoln St N, Carlock

Available for sale will be a variety of central Illinois native plants that will provide blooms for the entire growing season! These plants will help support hummingbirds, bees, butterflies and more. A tentative list of plants for sale is available at https://illinoisprairie.wildones.org/nativeplantsale/. Availability subject to change. Chapter members get a...

In the Spirit of Wetlands

805 S Cottage Ave Normal IL 805 S Cottage Ave, Normal

The book “In the Spirit of Wetlands" by Clare Howard and David Zalaznik explores a dozen locations in Illinois with either wetland restorations or constructed wetlands. Rather than dark, smelly, unproductive swamps, wetlands are environmental warriors nurturing diversity, cleansing water and mitigating flooding. People who own and work on these...

Trees and Shrubs of Central Illinois

805 S Cottage Ave Normal IL 805 S Cottage Ave, Normal

Native plants are becoming the superstars of our home landscapes but many of us are less familiar with these plants in the built environment. Join Illinois Extension Educator, Ryan Pankau, for a presentation focused on the use of native trees and shrubs in landscaping. Ryan will review the challenges that...

Inclusion of events within the BN Green Events Calendar does not constitute endorsement by the EAC.