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Backyard Composting

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Backyard Composting

Composting is a natural process by which organic material decomposes to form rich soil. A properly maintained compost bin enables this process to occur faster than in nature, producing a high quality end product. Successful composting is simply a matter of maintaining the appropriate habitat for the decomposers. These decomposers range from single celled bacteria to invertebrates such as earthworms, beetles and millipedes. Given the right ingredients and conditions, these decomposers will help turn food scraps, yard waste and more into a fabulous soil additive.

Gardeners have long made and used compost because of the way it improves garden soil. Today, home composting is a great way to transform yard debris and food scraps into valuable soil and close the recycling loop in your own backyards. Click on the short video brought to you by Kiss the Ground to learn more about the story of composting.

Benefits of Composting:

  • Increases soil aeration
  • Helps control soil erosion
  • Increases soil’s water-holding capacity
  • Reduces water demand of plants
  • Neutralizes soil toxins
  • Reduces mineral leachate
  • Promotes deeper root growth
  • Acts as a natural fertilizer
  • Improves texture, water retention, and drainage of soil
  • Helps extend the current life of landfills
  • Reduces air pollution caused by transportation to landfills
  • Reduces methane caused by anaerobic decomposition
  • Reduces risk of potential groundwater pollution

Illustrated how to compost flyer