City and Town Select New Electricity Supplier for Ameren Customers

The Town of Normal and the City of Bloomington participate in municipal aggregation, which allows them to select and alternate energy supplier for Ameren residents. Both municipalities currently use MidAmerican as the current supplier, in a contract that expires at the end of June 2020.  Both have selected Homefield Energy for a new 24-month contract beginning in July 2020.

Bloomington customers’ two-year rate secured through Homefield Energy is $0.04333 per kilowatt hour – this is a “green” energy option. Through green plans, the energy supplier pledges to buy renewable energy credits or RECs from a company that produces power from renewable sources, such as wind. That renewable energy producer agrees to produce and deliver an amount of renewable energy to the grid that is equal to the amount of energy you consumed. The new Homefield rate is lower than the current MidAmerican supply rate of $0.0507 per kilowatt hour and the current Ameren supply rate of $0.04707 per kilowatt hour.

Normal customers do not have “green” energy offered as the default. Instead, the two-year rate secured through Homefield Energy is $0.0424 per kilowatt hour. Normal customers interested in the “green” option can talk to Homefield and switch.  The “green” rate is $0.0433 per kilowatt hour. These new rates are lower than Normal’s current rates through MidAmerican aggregation of $0.0498 and $0.0507 per kilowatt hour for green energy, and Ameren’s rate of $0.04707.

Participation in municipal aggregation is not required. Customers will have the opportunity to “opt out” of the program by May 1, 2020 to avoid having their supply switched, or at any time after service starts, without penalty. Homefield Energy will contact eligible customers by mail with details and to provide opt-out information. Customers who opt out of the program will remain on their current electric supply choice, whether that is Ameren Illinois Basic Generation Service (BSG), Power Smart Pricing, or another retail energy supplier. Be on the lookout for opt-out letters.

Customers that do not opt out, and start getting their electricity supplied by Homefield in July will not receive an additional bill. You will still receive your Ameren bill (in the mail or electronically if you do e-billing) and under supply, Homefield Energy will be listed as your electricity supplier.

There are many options for energy supply and energy production, and right now in Illinois the renewable energy market is growing due to the Future Energy Jobs Act. The Ecology Action Center is here to help you make sense of all the options available to you, so please reach out if you have questions about electrical aggregation, alternate energy suppliers, community solar, or rooftop solar. Contact Larissa Armstrong at 309-454-3169 x15 or [email protected].