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Storm Drain Stenciling

Volunteers spray painting "Drains to Stream Keep it Clean" next to storm drains

Volunteers spray painting “Drains to Stream Keep it Clean” next to storm drains

Our water supply needs your help! Join the Ecology Action Center in stenciling “Drains to Stream – Keep it Clean!” at neighborhood storm drains and distribute informational door hangers, to let residents know how important it is to keep storm drains clear and keep pollutants out of our water! This volunteer activity educates residents about the dangers of storm water runoff pollution, and provides information on how to reduce individual contributions to storm water runoff pollution. Participants must be 18 years or older or 12-17 years old and accompanied by a guardian.  Please register each participant individually.

Why Storm Drain Stencil?

Storm drains lead to creeks that channel into other bodies of water like that of Lake Bloomington or Lake Evergreen which are a sources of drinking water for Bloomington residents. Water from rain, snow melt, and sprinklers flow over your yards, roofs, and pavement into storm drains. This water picks up natural and synthetic pollutants as it moves and ends up untreated into our lakes and rivers.

The two main types of pollution are point source and non-point source pollution. Point source pollution is something you can point to like a factory expelling waste into a river whereas non-point source pollution is dispersed pollution whose source cannot be directly determined. There are lots of sources of non-point pollution but some examples of synthetic non-point source pollutants are that of motor oil, antifreeze, soap from washing vehicles, fertilizers and pesticides, etc. There are also lots of sources of natural non-point source pollutants which people forget about like that of yard debris, pet waste, and leaves. These natural pollutants can lead to algae blooms which cause a release of toxins that harm wildlife and us. So by volunteering you are helping to make our local environment a cleaner and safer place for everyone.

Example of a storm drain stencil. Reads, "Drains to stream. Keep it clean" in bright yellow spray paint to the left of a storm drain.

Sign up at the links below for upcoming volunteer workdays

*Note a minimum of 6 volunteers are needed for this activity. If fewer than 6 sign up, the activity will be rescheduled.

No date available that works for you? Call 309-454-3169 to schedule your group. A minimum of 6 volunteers are needed for a group.

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