Community Composting has arrived in Bloomington-Normal!
So you want to compost but don’t want to deal with the mess? Do you want to use compostable food packaging from your favorite local restaurant but know it’s not compostable in a backyard compost pile? Maybe you live in an apartment and don’t have anywhere to compost.
Easy residential composting service is now available through a unique drop-off program using a kiosk with key-card access. Residents can sign up for the service through the purchase of a Kiosk Starter Kit for $24.99. The Starter Kit includes a 5-gallon bucket, educational materials, a 25-pack of compostable liners, and your kiosk access card. When you run out of liners, you can get a refill for $17.99 which includes another 25 liners and covers composting costs.
WHAT CAN I COMPOST: Food scraps and leftovers – vegetables, meats, prepared foods, dairy, bones, egg shells, etc. Also, Biodegradable Products Institute (BPI) certified compostable packaging, paper towels, paper napkins, and soiled cardboard/pizza boxes.
WHERE: The Community Composting Kiosk is located at Normandy Village in Normal, off of Beech Street and also at the southeast corner of AB Hatchery at 916 East Grove Street in Bloomington. It is a pay-as-you go service that requires a current program keycard to access; keycards work for both locations in Bloomington-Normal. Usage of the service requires signing up for a Compost Kiosk Starter Kit which includes your keycard.
SIGN UP: The Ecology Action Center is taking orders online for the Compost Kiosk Starter Kits, which include your keycard. Your starter kit or refill orders may be picked up at the EAC at 202 W College Avenue in Normal.
SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES: Does your organization or business value organics composting or want to help support the biggest new waste recovery service in McLean County? Sponsors of the Community Compost program receive tax benefits as well as recognition relative to the level of sponsorship. Top-level sponsors receive recognition on a community compost kiosk. For more information, contact Michael Brown at 309-454-3169 x.11 or
Community Composting BN Sponsors:
Zimmerman and Armstrong Investment Advisors
Myra and George Gordon
DONATE: Your tax-deductible donation or sponsorship of the BN Community Compost program