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Curb your Leaf Piles to Protect Clean Water

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mCLEANwater.org For many residents of Bloomington and Normal, leaf raking efforts are now already underway. Per directions from both municipalities, leaves should not be raked into the street. In addition to being a possible safety issue, leaves just can act as a storm water pollutant. Washed into the storm sewer system and eventually into creek, streams, and lakes, the additional nutrients from the massive amounts of leaves breaking down can remove oxygen from the water, suffocating plants and wildlife.

Please help us keep our local waters clean – either compost leaves or pile them neatly near the curb for collection.  For information on composting, contact the Ecology Action Center at (309) 454-3169 or visit the sustainable living – composting webpage. https://www.ecologyactioncenter.org/sustainable-living/composting/

Information on protecting our local watersheds is available at the mCLEAN water website, a clearinghouse of local resources about our water and efforts to better protect it.