Ecology Action Center Announces Sugar Creek Stewards Program

For immediate release
May 10, 2016

Contact:   Michael Brown
Phone:     (309) 454-3169 x.11


The Ecology Action Center is starting a volunteer-based riparian stewardship program for Sugar Creek and invites the public to participate in removing non-native or invasive plants and beautifying the greenway. Volunteers will learn about rivers and floodplains, the importance of native grasses and flowers to wildlife and humans, the benefits and the differences between native, non-native and naturalized plants, as well as what “invasive” means.

The Stewards will meet from 9 am to 12 pm on the third Saturday of the month throughout the year: there is always something to do, even if there is frost on the ground.  The first workday will take place Saturday, May 21, 2016 from 9 am to 12 pm; individuals eighteen years old and older can sign up to volunteer and Workday location and other details are provided upon registration.  Volunteers are requested to bring their own workgloves and register online at by May 18.

Water will be provided; participants should bring a reusable water bottle. The Sugar Creek Stewards is a program of the Ecology Action Center, and is supported by the City of Bloomington and the Town of Normal.   For more information about volunteering, contact Marcus Ricci at [email protected] or at 309-454-3169, ext. 15.

The Ecology Action Center is a not-for-profit environmental agency with a mission to inspire and assist residents of McLean County in creating, strengthening and preserving a healthy environment.  The EAC acts as a central resource for environmental education, information, outreach, and technical assistance in McLean County.

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