Ecology Action Center Holds Radon Update January 22

Radon is an odorless, colorless, naturally-occurring, radioactive gas that enters our homes from the soil.  We can easily ignore it because it doesn’t bother our senses in any way.  However, it is the number one cause of lung cancer after smoking.  Every home should be tested for radon; if the level is 4 picocuries per liter or higher, a radon mitigation system should be installed.

The Ecology Action Center will hold a free public information session on Radon January 22, 2013 at the Normal Public Library from 3 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.  Pre-registration is not required; residents should bring radon questions and concerns to be addressed.  Information is also available by calling the EAC at (309) 454-3169 and talking to Ruth Ann Lipic, the Community Radon Coordinator.

Among other topics to be discussed, Ms. Lipic will cover two new radon bills which were signed into law this past year in Illinois.  The first requires radon testing in Day Care facilities, which the second, the Radon Resistant Construction Act, requires all new construction in Illinois to be built radon resistant.  More information on either of these new regulations is available through Ruth Ann Lipic at the Ecology Action Center.

Radon test kits will be available for purchase at the presentation for $10.00 or are available at the Ecology Action Center during regular office hours.