
mCLEAN Up Crew

the Steampunks,a local 4H group pose with trash grabbers

Join the mCLEAN Up Crew!

Our local environment needs your help! Join the Ecology Action Center in picking up trash around McLean County. On the second Saturday of every month, from 9:00am-noon, EAC staff and volunteers work along sections of McLean County to remove litter. Volunteers will use trash grabbers with safety equipment like high visibility vests and gloves to pick up litter around designated areas. Many hands make light work! Come join us and help keep McLean County a safe, clean, and beautiful place to call home.

Participants must be 18 years or older or 12-17 years old and accompanied by a guardian.  Please register each participant individually.

Supplies always available at the Ecology Action Center!

Trash grabbers and safety supplies are always available at the office for anyone wanting to pick up litter on their own time. Call 309-454-3169 ext. 12 to schedule a time to pick up supplies for you, your family, or your organization.

Sign up at the links below for upcoming volunteer workdays!

Volunteer email list

Sign up below to be added to the EAC volunteer list and will receive regular updates on upcoming opportunities.
