April Workshops: Build-Your-Own Rain Barrels and Composters April 10, 2017

PRESS RELEASE For immediate release: April 10, 2017 Contact:   Kris Hall Phone:      (309) 454-3169 x. 12 The Ecology Action Center begins its annual series of water-conserving and waste-reduction workshops in April, with sessions on building rain-harvesting and composting systems for your yard or garden. EAC provides all the materials, equipment,…

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Town of Normal: Notice of Electric Aggregation Scam

Normal, IL – December 19, 2016 – It has come to the Town’s attention that solicitors have recently been sharing incorrect information regarding the Town of Normal Electric Aggregation program. This is a scam. Residents participating in the Town’s aggregation program should be aware that there has been no change…

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Giving Tuesday

Tuesday, November 29, 2016 is #givingtuesday, an international day of giving.  Please consider making a donation to support the Ecology Action Center’s work to improve our local environment.  We welcome contributions towards a few different funds, depending on what priorities you choose to support.  As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, contributions…

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Support EAC climate efforts – donate to Climate Ride

In 2016 the level of carbon emissions reached a new threshold, never dropping below 400ppm at any time over the course of the year; this is the first time this has ever happened during the human existence. In the same way, average global temperatures continue to increase each and every…

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Protect our local water supplies – Curb your leaf piles

For many residents of Bloomington and Normal, leaf raking efforts are now already underway. Per directions from both municipalities, leaves should not be raked into the street. In addition to being a possible safety issue, leaves can act as a storm water pollutant. Washed into the storm sewer system and…

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