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BioBlitz 2024: Read, Renew, Record! In Person Event

Underwood Park Shelter 271 Jersey Avenue, Normal, IL, United States

Come and join us on July 11th at Underwood Park from 5-7pm to learn more about local invasive and indicator species and other current projects going on in McLean County, including the Ecology Action Center's Wildlife Monitoring Project. Join us and other BioBlitzers to make observations together, get assistance with...

Event Series Glorious Garden Festival

Glorious Garden Festival

David Davis Mansion 1000 Monroe Dr, Bloomington, IL

The 28th Annual GLORIOUS GARDEN FESTIVAL will take place July 12-13, with all events starting at the David Davis Mansion in Bloomington. A paid ticket for the GARDEN WALK gives gardeners and garden lovers two days to visit several beautiful, inspired private gardens in the community from 1-7 pm on Friday,...

Summer Bird Walk at Hidden Creek on July 13!

Hidden Creek Park 100 W. Sycamore, Normal

Come take a bird walk with Mercy Davis, the Town of Normal's Town Planner! The Town’s efforts to restore the natural areas at Hidden Creek have greatly improved the bird habitat. On this walk, you will see birds that nest in Normal and birds that call Normal home year-round. This...


mCLEAN Up Crew- July 13, 2024 (8:30-11:30am)

Our local environment needs your help! Join the Ecology Action Center in picking up trash around McLean County. Volunteers will use trash grabbers with safety equipment like high visibility vests and gloves to pick up litter around designated areas. Participants must be 18 years or older or 12-17 years old...

Glorious Garden Festival

David Davis Mansion 1000 Monroe Dr, Bloomington, IL

The 28th Annual GLORIOUS GARDEN FESTIVAL will take place July 12-13, with all events starting at the David Davis Mansion in Bloomington. A paid ticket for the GARDEN WALK gives gardeners and garden lovers two days to visit several beautiful, inspired private gardens in the community from 1-7 pm on Friday,...

Vermicomposting Workshop-July 18, 2024 (5:30-6:30pm)

Ecology Action Center 202 W College Ave, Normal, IL, United States

Love to cook and are looking for a way to compost your food scraps, but backyard composting isn't an option for you? Try Vermicomposting or composting with worms! Vermicomposting is a great way to reduce your carbon footprint and stop food waste in your home. No backyard or large area...


Storm Drain Stenciling-July 19, 2024 (8:30-10:30am)

Volunteers spray painting "Drains to Stream Keep it Clean" next to storm drains Join the Ecology Action Center for some Storm Drain Stenciling! This volunteer activity educates residents about the dangers of storm water runoff pollution, and provides information on how to reduce individual contributions to storm water runoff pollution....

Backyard Composting Workshop-July 30, 2024 (5:30-6:30pm)

Ecology Action Center 202 W College Ave, Normal, IL, United States

The EAC’s compost workshop will cover the basics of backyard composting. You’ll learn basic techniques to build your compost pile, discuss what materials to include, and talk about what to do with compostable materials that don’t work in a backyard setting. This workshop will additionally help participants understand how to...


Rain Barrel Workshop-August 1, 2024 (5:30-6:30pm)

Ecology Action Center 202 W College Ave, Normal, IL, United States

The EAC’s rain barrel workshops teach attendees about the importance of rain water catchment in preventing storm water runoff pollution! Attendees will learn how to locate, install, and set up their rain barrel. We’ll also provide tips to transition downspouts for rain barrel usage, and information on proper winter storage....


Storm Drain Stenciling-August 10, 2024 (1:30-3:30pm)

Join the Ecology Action Center for some Storm Drain Stenciling! This volunteer activity educates residents about the dangers of storm water runoff pollution, and provides information on how to reduce individual contributions to storm water runoff pollution. Join us to stencil “Drains to Stream, Keep it Clean” at neighborhood storm...

Backyard Composting Workshop-August 11, 2024 (12:00-1:00pm)

The EAC’s compost workshop will cover the basics of backyard composting. You’ll learn basic techniques to build your compost pile, discuss what materials to include, and talk about what to do with compostable materials that don’t work in a backyard setting. This workshop will additionally help participants understand how to...


Rain Barrel Workshop-August 11, 2024 (1:30-2:30pm)

The EAC’s rain barrel workshops teach attendees about the importance of rain water catchment in preventing storm water runoff pollution! Attendees will learn how to locate, install, and set up their rain barrel. We’ll also provide tips to transition downspouts for rain barrel usage, and information on proper winter storage....


Vermicomposting Workshop- August 11, 2024 (3:00-4:00pm)

Love to cook and are looking for a way to compost your food scraps, but backyard composting isn’t an option for you? Try Vermicomposting or composting with worms! Vermicomposting is a great way to reduce your carbon footprint and stop food waste in your home. No backyard or large area...


Storm Drain Stenciling-August 11, 2024 (5-7pm)

Join the Ecology Action Center for some Storm Drain Stenciling! This volunteer activity educates residents about the dangers of storm water runoff pollution, and provides information on how to reduce individual contributions to storm water runoff pollution. Join us to stencil “Drains to Stream, Keep it Clean” at neighborhood storm...

Sweet Corn Circus Composting- August 24 & 25 (Multiple Shifts Available)

The Ecology Action Center needs 1-2 volunteers per shift to help us at our booth at the Sweet Corn Circus. Volunteers will help alert Sweet Corn Circus attendees to composting services provided by the Ecology Action Center. Volunteers will also help at the booth ensuring materials are being disposed in...

Storm Drain Stenciling-August 28, 2024 (4:30-6:30pm)-CANCELLED

Join the Ecology Action Center for some Storm Drain Stenciling! This volunteer activity educates residents about the dangers of storm water runoff pollution, and provides information on how to reduce individual contributions to storm water runoff pollution. Join us to stencil “Drains to Stream, Keep it Clean” at neighborhood storm...

Inclusion of events within the BN Green Events Calendar does not constitute endorsement by the EAC.