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Storm Drain Stenciling-August 28, 2024 (4:30-6:30pm)-CANCELLED

Join the Ecology Action Center for some Storm Drain Stenciling! This volunteer activity educates residents about the dangers of storm water runoff pollution, and provides information on how to reduce individual contributions to storm water runoff pollution. Join us to stencil “Drains to Stream, Keep it Clean” at neighborhood storm...

Tree Corps Workday- August 29, 2024 (9-12pm)

Help the EAC's Tree Coordinator ID and label seedlings for planting next spring. Volunteers must be 18 years or older, be able to stand for at least 3 hours on uneven terrain, and MUST have native tree identification skills. Please sign up below.

Storm Drain Stenciling-August 29, 2024 (9:30-11:30am)-CANCELLED

Join the Ecology Action Center for some Storm Drain Stenciling! This volunteer activity educates residents about the dangers of storm water runoff pollution, and provides information on how to reduce individual contributions to storm water runoff pollution. Join us to stencil “Drains to Stream, Keep it Clean” at neighborhood storm...

HHW Pre-Event Volunteering-September 5, 2024 (Multiple Shifts)

Please help us prepare for our upcoming Household Hazardous Waste Collection Event by volunteering to stuff brochures and flyers to be given out on the day of the event. Please sign up for one or more shift(s) by selecting the sign up link below. September 5, 2024 (8-10am) -FULL September...

Bats of Illinois

805 S Cottage Ave Normal, IL 805 S Cottage Ave, Normal

Learn about the bats of Illinois in this presentation by Dr. Joy O'Keefe, including steps you can take to provide habitat for bats in your backyard or neighborhood. Understand threats to bats and simple ways you can help to protect your local bat populations. Hear about the international effort to...

mCLEAN Up Crew: September 14, 2024 (9-12pm)

Our local environment needs your help! Join the Ecology Action Center in picking up trash around McLean County. Volunteers will use trash grabbers with safety equipment like high visibility vests and gloves to pick up litter around designated areas. Participants must be 18 years or older or 12-17 years old...

Rain Barrel Workshop-September 19, 2024 (5:30-6:30pm)

The EAC’s rain barrel workshops teach attendees about the importance of rain water catchment in preventing storm water runoff pollution! Attendees will learn how to locate, install, and set up their rain barrel. We’ll also provide tips to transition downspouts for rain barrel usage, and information on proper winter storage....


Storm Drain Stenciling-September 21, 2024 (4:30-6:30pm)

Join the Ecology Action Center for some Storm Drain Stenciling! This volunteer activity educates residents about the dangers of storm water runoff pollution, and provides information on how to reduce individual contributions to storm water runoff pollution. Join us to stencil “Drains to Stream, Keep it Clean” at neighborhood storm...

CANCELLED: Storm Drain Stenciling-September 23, 2024 (2:00-4:00pm)

Join the Ecology Action Center for some Storm Drain Stenciling! This volunteer activity educates residents about the dangers of storm water runoff pollution, and provides information on how to reduce individual contributions to storm water runoff pollution. Join us to stencil “Drains to Stream, Keep it Clean” at neighborhood storm...

Vermicomposting Workshop-September 23, 2024 (5:30-6:30pm)

Love to cook and are looking for a way to compost your food scraps, but backyard composting isn’t an option for you? Try Vermicomposting or composting with worms! Vermicomposting is a great way to reduce your carbon footprint and stop food waste in your home. No backyard or large area...


CANCELLED: Storm Drain Stenciling-September 26, 2024 (9:30-11:30am)

Join the Ecology Action Center for some Storm Drain Stenciling! This volunteer activity educates residents about the dangers of storm water runoff pollution, and provides information on how to reduce individual contributions to storm water runoff pollution. Join us to stencil “Drains to Stream, Keep it Clean” at neighborhood storm...

HHW Collection Volunteering: Saturday, September 28, 2024 (Multiple Shifts Available)

Interstate Center 1106 Interstate Drive, Bloomington, United States

Volunteers will assist in various functions with the McLean County Household Hazardous Waste collection event with the primary need being traffic control. The work requires spending the entire shift on one's feet, clear communication with event participants, some possible light lifting with equipment setup/take-down. This is a high traffic event with...

Rain Barrel Workshop-October 1, 2024 (5:30-6:30pm)

The EAC’s rain barrel workshops teach attendees about the importance of rain water catchment in preventing storm water runoff pollution! Attendees will learn how to locate, install, and set up their rain barrel. We’ll also provide tips to transition downspouts for rain barrel usage, and information on proper winter storage....


Storm Drain Stenciling-October 3, 2024 (2:00-4:00pm)-CANCELLED

Join the Ecology Action Center for some Storm Drain Stenciling! This volunteer activity educates residents about the dangers of storm water runoff pollution, and provides information on how to reduce individual contributions to storm water runoff pollution. Join us to stencil “Drains to Stream, Keep it Clean” at neighborhood storm...

mCLEAN Up Crew: October 12, 2024 (9-12pm)

Our local environment needs your help! Join the Ecology Action Center in picking up trash around McLean County. Volunteers will use trash grabbers with safety equipment like high visibility vests and gloves to pick up litter around designated areas. Participants must be 18 years or older or 12-17 years old...

Storm Drain Stenciling-October 14, 2024 (8:00-10:00am)

Join the Ecology Action Center for some Storm Drain Stenciling! This volunteer activity educates residents about the dangers of storm water runoff pollution, and provides information on how to reduce individual contributions to storm water runoff pollution. Join us to stencil “Drains to Stream, Keep it Clean” at neighborhood storm...

Storm Drain Stenciling-October 14, 2024 (2:00-4:00pm)

Join the Ecology Action Center for some Storm Drain Stenciling! This volunteer activity educates residents about the dangers of storm water runoff pollution, and provides information on how to reduce individual contributions to storm water runoff pollution. Join us to stencil “Drains to Stream, Keep it Clean” at neighborhood storm...

Inclusion of events within the BN Green Events Calendar does not constitute endorsement by the EAC.