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Sustainable Kitchen: November 17, 2024 (2:30-3:30pm)

Join the Bloomington Public Library for an insightful program dedicated to promoting sustainable kitchen practices. This session will cover practical strategies for reducing food and packaging waste, effective methods for conserving water in the kitchen, and an exploration of the carbon footprint associated with our food choices. Learn how small...

An Evening with Scott Weidensaul: MOTUS Towers and Bird-Friendly Coffee

On Wednesday, January 8, 2025 at 7:00pm, the Grand Prairie Bird Alliance and the Peoria Audubon Society will co-host a Zoom presentation about MOTUS towers and bird-friendly coffee led by Scott Weidensaul, ornithologist and renowned author of several books on birding and nature guides. To receive the Zoom link, join...


Beginning Beekeeping 101

Bloomington High School 1202 E Locust St, Bloomington, United States

Are you curious about the fascinating world of Honeybees and what it takes to raise them? The Central Illinois Beekeepers Association (CIBA) has a class designed for you! CIBA will be offering a beginning beekeeping class, Beekeeping 101, on January 25th, 2025 from 8:30-5 pm at Bloomington High School 1202...


The Magic of Swallowtails

A Zoom link will be provided IL

On February 10 at 7pm learn from butterfly expert and photographer Betsy Betros, about the high-flying, colorful world of swallowtail butterflies in the Kansas City region (and also found in Illinois). Betsy will take us on a tour of what makes each swallowtail unique from each other and what groups...

2025 Home, Lawn and Garden Day

Central Catholic High School 1201 Airport Road, Bloomington, IL, United States

Make your garden thrive with educational workshops, inspiring speakers, and horticulture treasures from exceptional businesses and organizations at the 23rd Annual Home, Lawn, and Garden Day, sponsored by University of Illinois Extension McLean County Master Gardeners. This exciting event will take place from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday,...


Hope is a Thing with Feathers: The Science and Value of Bird Banding

Illinois Wesleyan University - Center for Natural Sciences C101 201 E. Beecher St., Bloomington, IL, United States

On March 3 at 7pm Dr. Tony Rothering, a Professor of Biology at Lincoln Land Community College, will discuss his work at the Midwest Migration Network Bird Banding Station he operates west of Springfield, IL during the spring and fall migration seasons. He will also talk about his investigation of...

Dirty Laundry: Film Screening & Panel Discussion

Normal Theater 209 W North Street, Normal, IL, United States

Join the McLean County Museum of History for a FREE viewing of the documentary Dirty Laundry at the Normal Theater on Tuesday, March 4 at 7:00 p.m., hosted by the McLean County Museum of History in partnership with the Illinois State University Office of Sustainability, Environmental Health and Safety, and Department of...

mCLEAN Up Crew Workday

Our local environment needs your help! Join the Ecology Action Center in picking up trash around McLean County for our March mCLEAN Up Crew Workday. Volunteers will use trash grabbers with safety equipment like high visibility vests and gloves to pick up litter around designated areas. Participants must be 18...

Save Our Native Bumblebees!: Why You Should Care and What You Can Do

805 S Cottage Ave Normal IL 805 S Cottage Ave, Normal

The non-native (and arguably, invasive) European Honeybee (Apis mellifera) gets a lot of attention because the species is reared here in North America for the purpose of pollinating crops and for the production of honey. Although native bumblebees are an integral component of our local ecosystems and are, also, important...

Tree Prep Workday – Friday, March 14 2025 (multiple shifts)

EAC Shed Bloomington

Help the Ecology Action Center prepare small (1-3′ tall) bareroot seedling trees for planting. These trees will help to improve air quality, sequester carbon, increase wildlife habitat, and more! Volunteers must be 18 years old or older or alternately 14 years or older and accompanied by a parent or legal...

Sugar Creek Stewards Workday

Come join us for our March workday along Sugar Creek! We need help improving Sugar Creek in designated areas throughout Bloomington and Normal, by clearing invasive plant species and managing the non-invasive plants. Volunteers must be 18 years old or older (or 14 and accompanied by a parent or guardian)...

Bloomington-Normal Community Land Trust Annual Membership Meeting

Bloomington Public Library Community Room 205 E Olive Street, Bloomington, IL, United States

Free and open to the public, Bloomington-Normal Community Land Trust (BNCLT) will host its first annual membership meeting at the Bloomington Public Library on March 18, 2025 from 7 to 8:30 PM. BNCLT will nominate and elect its first formal board of directors, provide a brief presentation to the community...


Tree Prep Workday, Friday March 21 2025 (multiple shifts)

EAC Shed Bloomington

Help the Ecology Action Center prepare small (1-3′ tall) bareroot seedling trees for planting. These trees will help to improve air quality, sequester carbon, increase wildlife habitat, and more! Volunteers must be 18 years old or older or alternately 14 years or older and accompanied by a parent or legal...

Tree Planting Workday, Sunday March 23 2025 (multiple shifts) IDOT Market st

Help the Ecology Action Center plant small (1-3 ft tall) bareroot seedling trees to improve air quality, sequester carbon, increase wildlife habitat, and more! We will be planting trees in an IL Dept of Transportation (IDOT) field off of the I-55/ I-74 interchange on Market St in Bloomington. There will...

Tree Prep Workday – March 28 2025 (multiple shifts)

EAC Shed Bloomington

Help the Ecology Action Center prepare small (1-3′ tall) bareroot seedling trees for planting. These trees will help to improve air quality, sequester carbon, increase wildlife habitat, and more! Volunteers must be 18 years old or older or alternately 14 years or older and accompanied by a parent or legal...

Tree Planting Workday, Saturday March 29 2025 (multiple shifts) IDOT Veterans Pkwy

Help the Ecology Action Center plant small (1-3 ft tall) bareroot seedling trees to improve air quality, sequester carbon, increase wildlife habitat, and more! Volunteers will meet at the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) facility and will carpool to the planting site. We will be planting trees around the I-55/...

Tree Planting Workday, Sunday March 30 2025 (multiple shifts) IDOT Veterans Pkwy

Help the Ecology Action Center plant small (1-3 ft tall) bareroot seedling trees to improve air quality, sequester carbon, increase wildlife habitat, and more! Volunteers will meet at the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) facility and will carpool to the planting site. We will be planting trees around the I-55/...

Watershed Stewards

University of Illinois Extension - 1615 Commerce Drive 1615 Commerce Drive, Bloomington, IL, United States

This spring, University of Illinois Extension is launching the Master Watershed Stewards Program to be hosted in McLean County. The Illinois-Indiana Master Watershed Steward Program is an 8-week journey designed to empower community members as a guardian of our precious natural ecosystems. Through engaging, science-based education by local experts and...


Bridging Birding and Science to Inform Conservation Management Decisions

Illinois Wesleyan University - Center for Natural Sciences C101 201 E. Beecher St., Bloomington, IL, United States

On April 3 at 7:00pm hear from Tara Beveroth, an Avian Ecologist with the Illinois Natural History Survey, as she discusses how citizen science efforts for birds sets the foundation for future scientific investigations, and ultimately, for bird conservation. She coordinates multiple citizen science programs including the Illinois Spring Bird...

Inclusion of events within the BN Green Events Calendar does not constitute endorsement by the EAC.