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Rain Barrel Workshop: Saturday, April 5, 2025 (10:00am)

The EAC’s rain barrel workshops teach attendees about the importance of rain water catchment in preventing storm water runoff pollution! Attendees will learn how to locate, install, and set up their rain barrel. We’ll also provide tips to transition downspouts for rain barrel usage, and information on proper winter storage....


Bring it Back to Normal mCLEAN Up Day at the ISU Farm: April 5, 2025 (10-3:00pm)

ISU Farm 25578 ISU Farm Lane, Lexington, United States

The Bring it Back to Normal mCLEAN Up Day volunteers are a group dedicated to helping keep our community clean of trash. Volunteers will use provided trash grabbers, gloves, and trash bags to remove litter from the Illinois State University (ISU) Farm. The ISU Farm is where all Town of...

Backyard Composting Workshop: Saturday, April 5, 2025 (11:30-12:30pm)

The EAC’s compost workshop will cover the basics of backyard composting. You’ll learn basic techniques to build your compost pile, discuss what materials to include, and talk about what to do with compostable materials that don’t work in a backyard setting. This workshop will additionally help participants understand how to...


McLean County Museum of History Lunch & Learn: Organizing for policy change for a more just and regenerative food system with Jeff Haake

McLean County Museum of History 200 N Main St., Bloomington, IL

Bring your lunch and join the McLean County Museum of History to learn about how the Illinois Stewardship Alliance has been working to organize farmers and eaters to foster a more just and regenerative food system Thursday, April 10, from 12:10 to 1:00 p.m. with farmer and community organizer Jeff...

Vermicomposting Workshop- Saturday, April 12, 2025 (9:30-10:30am)

Love to cook and are looking for a way to compost your food scraps, but backyard composting isn’t an option for you? Try Vermicomposting or composting with worms! Vermicomposting is a great way to reduce your carbon footprint and stop food waste in your home. No backyard or large area...


Rain Barrel Workshop: Monday, April 14, 2025 (5:30-6:30pm)

The EAC’s rain barrel workshops teach attendees about the importance of rain water catchment in preventing storm water runoff pollution! Attendees will learn how to locate, install, and set up their rain barrel. We’ll also provide tips to transition downspouts for rain barrel usage, and information on proper winter storage....


Pruning Oaks and Other Native Trees

805 S Cottage Ave Normal IL 805 S Cottage Ave, Normal

Join Guy Sternberg on April 14 at 7pm to learn about oak trees! Did you know that most young trees need a little help to become the best that they can be. Oaks have special characteristics that, if addressed at a young age, can be molded into the venerable form...

Backyard Composting Workshop: Tuesday, April 15, 2025 (5:30-6:30pm)

The EAC’s compost workshop will cover the basics of backyard composting. You’ll learn basic techniques to build your compost pile, discuss what materials to include, and talk about what to do with compostable materials that don’t work in a backyard setting. This workshop will additionally help participants understand how to...


ISU Earth Day Breakfast

Illinois State University Brown Ballroom (Bone Student Center) 200 N. University, Normal

The Earth Day Breakfast occurring on April 22 at 8:00am will include a sustainable selection of local foods, vegan options, Fair Trade coffee and teas and feature keynote speaker: Zahra Biabani. Author and Climate Activist, Zahra Biabani, is a powerful voice for positive change. Her book, Climate Optimism: Celebrating Systemic...

$10 – $25

Earth Day Eco-Explorers

University of Illinois Extension - 1615 Commerce Drive 1615 Commerce Drive, Bloomington, IL, United States

Celebrate Earth Day with the University of Illinois Extension and partners in an exciting day full of hands-on workshops designed to inspire young minds and foster a love for our planet! Children ages 8-13 are invited to join us for a series of engaging activities focused on sustainability, conservation, and...


Earth Day Constitution Trail and Sugar Creek Clean Up: April 26, 2025 (9-12pm)

The Chateau 1621 Jumer Dr, Bloomington, IL, United States

Celebrate Earth Day with the Ecology Action Center! Volunteer to help out at our annual Constitution Trail and Sugar Creek clean-up event on Saturday, April 26, 2025 from 9 a.m. to noon! The EAC and our community partners Friends of the Constitution Trail need help cleaning up the trail from...

3rd Annual Rivian 5k to Support EAC and Friends of the Trail

Heartland Community College 1500 W. Raab Road, Normal, IL, United States

Rivian is excited to host the third annual 5k at Heartland Community College to benefit the Ecology Action Center and Friends of the Constitution Trail. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​At Rivian, Forever Starts Now.  And while the products are designed to promote adventure forever, Rivian is dedicated to making a difference in the communities where...

Rain Barrel Workshop: Monday, May 5, 2025 (5:30-6:30pm)

The EAC’s rain barrel workshops teach attendees about the importance of rain water catchment in preventing storm water runoff pollution! Attendees will learn how to locate, install, and set up their rain barrel. We’ll also provide tips to transition downspouts for rain barrel usage, and information on proper winter storage....


The Dirt on Composting at El Paso District Library

El Paso District Library 149 W 1st Street, El Paso, United States

Want to learn more about how food waste impacts our environment and what you can do to help? Join "The Dirt on Composting" presentation at El Paso District Library in El Paso, IL on May 5, 2025 at 6:00 p.m. to learn more and help celebrate International Compost Awareness Week! This...

Squirm and Learn: A Kids Guide To Vermicomposting

Carlock Library 202 E Washington, Carlock, IL

Squirm and learn: a kids guide to vermicomposting is hosted by the Ecology Action Center and the Carlock Public Library as part of International Compost Awareness Week. Bring children grades 2nd and up to the Carlock Public Library on Tuesday May 6, 2025 at 5:30pm to learn about vermicomposting! Students...

Bloomington Public Library History Reads Book Club: Living Downstream

Bloomington Public Library Community Room 205 E Olive Street, Bloomington, IL, United States

All are welcome to join the Museum and Bloomington Public Library on Tuesday, May 6 at 7:00 p.m. for the second History Reads Book Club for 2025, in person at Bloomington Public Library or online via Zoom. The second book to be discussed this year will be Living Downstream: An Ecologist's Personal Investigation of...

Composting Basics at Gridley Public Library

Gridley Public Library 320 North Center Street, Gridley, United States

Want to learn more about how food waste impacts our environment and what you can do to help? Join the Composting Basics presentation at Gridley Public Library in Gridley, IL on May 7, 2025 at 6:00 p.m. to learn more and help celebrate International Compost Awareness Week! This presentation will be...

Backyard Composting Workshop: Thursday, May 8, 2025 (5:30-6:30pm)

The EAC’s compost workshop will cover the basics of backyard composting. You’ll learn basic techniques to build your compost pile, discuss what materials to include, and talk about what to do with compostable materials that don’t work in a backyard setting. This workshop will additionally help participants understand how to...


Rain Barrel Workshop: Saturday, May 10, 2025 (9:00-10:00am)

The EAC’s rain barrel workshops teach attendees about the importance of rain water catchment in preventing storm water runoff pollution! Attendees will learn how to locate, install, and set up their rain barrel. We’ll also provide tips to transition downspouts for rain barrel usage, and information on proper winter storage....


Backyard Composting Workshop: Saturday, May 10, 2025 (10:30-11:30am)

The EAC’s compost workshop will cover the basics of backyard composting. You’ll learn basic techniques to build your compost pile, discuss what materials to include, and talk about what to do with compostable materials that don’t work in a backyard setting. This workshop will additionally help participants understand how to...


Inclusion of events within the BN Green Events Calendar does not constitute endorsement by the EAC.