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Vermicomposting Workshop- Saturday, May 10, 2025 (12:00-1:00pm)

Love to cook and are looking for a way to compost your food scraps, but backyard composting isn’t an option for you? Try Vermicomposting or composting with worms! Vermicomposting is a great way to reduce your carbon footprint and stop food waste in your home. No backyard or large area...


Unique Adaptations in Prairie Plants

805 S Cottage Ave Normal IL 805 S Cottage Ave, Normal

The tallgrass prairie ecosystem is one of the rarest ecosystems in the world. It’s home to plants uniquely adapted to their soil microorganisms, precipitation, pollinators, and light conditions. On May 12 at 7pm Sydney Metternich will talk about how prairie plant species are adapted to their soil microbial communities and...

Illinois Prairie Wild Ones Native Plant Sale

White Oak Township Community Building (202 Lincoln St. N., Carlock, IL) 202 Lincoln St N, Carlock

Available for sale will be a variety of central Illinois native plants that will provide blooms for the entire growing season! These plants will help support hummingbirds, bees, butterflies and more. A tentative list of plants for sale is available at https://illinoisprairie.wildones.org/nativeplantsale/. Availability subject to change. Chapter members get a...

In the Spirit of Wetlands

805 S Cottage Ave Normal IL 805 S Cottage Ave, Normal

The book “In the Spirit of Wetlands" by Clare Howard and David Zalaznik explores a dozen locations in Illinois with either wetland restorations or constructed wetlands. Rather than dark, smelly, unproductive swamps, wetlands are environmental warriors nurturing diversity, cleansing water and mitigating flooding. People who own and work on these...

Trees and Shrubs of Central Illinois

805 S Cottage Ave Normal IL 805 S Cottage Ave, Normal

Native plants are becoming the superstars of our home landscapes but many of us are less familiar with these plants in the built environment. Join Illinois Extension Educator, Ryan Pankau, for a presentation focused on the use of native trees and shrubs in landscaping. Ryan will review the challenges that...

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